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Geno2pheno [resistance] TESTVERSION ALT 3.4

New Welcome to geno2pheno[resistance].
  • Detection of HIV-1 subtype A6 for all subtype A pol genes is provided by the beta version of the geno2pheno A6 subtyper at The last sample sequence is of subtype A6
  • Etravirine and rilpivirine resistance predictions, as well as the scored mutations for these predictions, stem from rules-based drug-resistance interpretation models by HIV-GRADE. Rules-based drug-resistance models will be replaced with statistical models as soon as a sufficient number of genotype-phenotype pairs become available.
  • Predictions for drugs other than rilpivine and etravirine are still based on statistical models.
  • Default predictions have been altered to produce worst-case predictions. Specifically, only mutations resulting in the largest resistance factors will be used for prediction when ambiguities are present in the input sequence.
  • Statistical models for predicting drug exposure have been implemented. Predictions performed with these models can be accessed by selecting the Drug Exposure tab.

Upon submitting an HIV-1 pol-gene DNA sequence below, the sequence will be aligned to the reference strain HXB2 and interpreted with several statistical models.

1. Identifier (optional)
Do not use patient names!
2. Pol-gene (PR and RT) nucleotide sequence: upload from file (sequences in FASTA format, or single plain or FASTA sequence):

3. Therapy-naïve tool:
4. Sequence ambiguities:
5. Result layout options:
Alignment width:
6. Alignment:
7. Action:

You will make prediction № 341124. Service started December 13, 2000.