The second EXAM is scheduled for Wednesday, 5th of November 2008 (2 - 4 p.m.). If you want to participate
please send an E-mail to the tutor with your name, matriculation number and the preferred language in which you want to take the exam (English or German).
The lecture will present advanced topics in supervised and unsupervised leaning, such as kernels, neural networks, clustering.
The theoretical models will be illustrated with interesting applications, out of which many are challenging problems in Bioinformatics.
Lecturer: Thomas Lengauer
Tutor: Jasmina Bogojeska
Course language: English
Course: | Wednesdays 10:00-12:00, MPI room 24 (Harald Ganziger Hall) |
Tutorial: | Most probably Fridays 10:00-12:00, Room 023 |
Office hours: | with appointment, send an email to the tutor at least a day before |
The lecture is targeted to students with solid background in Maths and Computer Science.
Prerequisites: Vordiplom in Mathematics or
Computer Science or equivalent. Students should know linear algebra and have
basic knowledge in statistics.
You need a cumulative 50% of the points in the homework assingments to be admitted to the oral exam. A score of 50% in the exam is then considered a passing grade.
Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman: The Elements of Statistical Learning, Springer 2001. Readers of the course are encouraged to acquire this book.
Lecture | Date | Topic |
Tutorial | Date | Topic | HW Assigned | HW Due |