This website is the home of the ECCB conference series. The website contains links to past ECCB conferences and gives information on European research initiatives in Bioinformatics. |
September 21-24, 2008, Sardinia, Italy
ECCB/ISMB 2007 July 21-25, 2007, Vienna, Austria
STEERING COMMITTEE Soren Brunak Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark brunak@cbs.dtu.dk Philipp Bucher University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland Philipp.Bucher@isrec.unil.ch David Gilbert University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK drg@dcs.gla.ac.uk Michal Linial (Chair) Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel michall@mail.ls.huji.ac.il Thomas Lengauer Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany lengauer@mpi-sb.mpg.de
Yves Moreau
Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann
Vilo |
With ECCB 2002, the European Computational Biology
Community started a new revolving conference scheme.
Within this scheme, a different country or region hosts the European ECCB event every year. The successful
regional bioinformatics conferences, e.g., the German
Bioinformatics Conference (GCB), Les journees ouvertes
en biologie, informatique et mathematiques (JOBIM),
the Scandinavian Bioinformatics Conference etc., are
integrated into this scheme in the respect that one of these
conferences may be elevated to ECCB if the corresponding
region is hosting ECCB in the respective year.
The conference covers computational methods for
molecular biology that arise in the context of genomics
and proteomics technologies in the fields of molecular
biology, molecular medicine and pharmaceutics. Biological
areas of interest include molecular sequence
analysis, phylogenetics and evolution, molecular structure,
molecular docking and drug design, metabolic and
regulatory networks, gene expression and regulation, gene
and protein function, modeling of cellular processes, and
analysis of genetic variations. Computational methods
covered in the conference include machine learning,
pattern recognition, knowledge representation, databases,
combinatorial optimization, stochastic modeling, string
and graph algorithms, computer linguistics, robotics,
constraint satisfaction and parallel computation.
The ECCB conference series is partially supported by The Network of Excellence Biosapiens of the EU. RESEARCH INITIATIVES & CENTERS Europe: Bioinformatics Research Initiatives Denmark: Bioinformatics Research Initiatives & Centers Finland: Bioinformatics Research Centers France: Bioinformatics Research Centers Germany: Bioinformatics Research Initiatives & Centers Italy: Bioinformatics Research Centers Netherlands: Bioinformatics Research Centers Norway: Bioinformatics Research Centers Spain: Bioinformatics Research Centers Sweden: Bioinformatics Research Centers Switzerland: Bioinformatics Research Centers UK: Bioinformatics Research Initiatives & Centres