LBL/UC Berkeley ISMB'99 Awards !


The Genomics and Computational Biology Program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley donated a sum of $ 2000,00 to award papers and posters with young authors, in order to encourage young scientists to work in the field of computational biology. Out of this money, 3 papers and 5 posters received $250,00 each.

The paper selection was performed by the organizing committee of ISMB'99 based on

  • quality of the work,
  • significance of the work
  • papers with junior first authors were given some preference
  • papers involving members of scientific groups of members of the organizing committee were excluded.

The following three papers were awarded by the organizing committee.

Multiple Structural Alignment and Core Detection by Geometric Hashing
Nathaniel Leibowitz, Zipora Y. Fligelman, Ruth Nussinov, Haim J. Wolfson

Rapid Assessment of Extremal Statistics for Gapped Local Alignment
Rolf Olsen, Ralf Bundschuh, Terence Hwa

ESTScan: a program for detecting , evaluating, and reconstructing potential coding regions in EST sequences
Christian Iseli, C. Victor Jongeneel, Philipp Bucher

The five posters were selected by the ISMB'99 participants. Each participant received a ballot in his registration material, on which he could vote for three posters. 113 ballots were turned in (voter turnout of 17%). The highest counts for posters were between 9 and 16. The following posters received an award:

Poster No 41
From Bayesian Networks to Gene Networks: Understanding Expression Data

Nir Friedman, Iftach Nachman, Dana Pe'er

Poster No 42 (authors' link to full poster)
Phylogeny Inference by Minimum Conflict
G. Fuellen, J.-W. Wägele

Poster No 78
Pathway Analysis in Metabolic Databases via Differential Metabolic Display (DMD)

Robert Küffner, Ralf Zimmer, and Thomas Lengauer

Poster No 123
Modeling Signal Transduction Using Process Algebra

Aviv Regev

Poster No 167
A Threading Approach for EST Data

Alexander Zien, Ralf Zimmer, Thomas Lengauer

The LBNL/UC Berkeley awards were conferred by Rick Lathrop representing the International Society for Computational Biology.

-> ISMB 99