Poster abstracts should be submitted electronically. The abstracts of accepted posters will be published in book form and will be available at the meeting. The following instructions are intended to maximize space available to authors while ensuring agreeable and consistent appearance, efficient handling and timely publication. Final posters may, of course, be in any format, as long as they fit onto a 4 by 8 foot board. Acceptance of an abstract is conditional on at least one of its authors preregistering for RECOMB electronically before March 1 (see along with an abstract template ( LaTeX, Postscript, PDF, Word). Abstracts must be received by January 22, 2001; authors will be notified about acceptance before February 5, 2001. In the case of files we cannot open or which do not satisfy the format instructions, we will try to notify the authors within a few days of receipt to allow for resubmission. Authors who cannot comply with software or e-mail instructions should notify posters@crm.umontreal.cawell in advance of the deadline.
Software and files
The abstract, written in clear and reasonably grammatical English, must be submitted in exactly the same format as the example in the templates, and should fit on two pages, everything included. If at all possible, use LaTeX 2e article document class, with all the default options, and with a minimum of other packages and other files. Download the template file provided. To conserve space, do not split the abstract into many small sections.
For those for whom LaTeX is impossible, use Word or other easily translatable word-processing software. Download the Word template and substitute your own text, titles and headings, conserving the same fonts, sizes and styles.
Submit the LaTeX source file (or Word file), and either a postscript version or a .pdf version, or both. These should be sent to posters@crm.umontreal.caas attachments. The subject header of each message should identify the paper by the first author's surname and the type of file it contains. Authors submitting more than one abstract should disambiguate them using numerals. E.g. smith1.tex,, smith2.tex, smith2fig1.eps, smith2.pdf,, smith3.doc.
Figures and tables
Use standard LaTeX figure and table environments. Make sure figures are readable and not too crowded. Do not use type sizes smaller than footnotesize in figures and tables. No colour please. For LaTeX submissions, figures must be composed in LaTeX or incorporated in the text using .eps files.
Figures in Word submissions must be incorporated in the abstract, or sent as .eps files. In any case, they must appear properly positioned in .ps and .pdf files.
Use the general format in Figure 1, if possible (For LaTeX code follow the link)
Tabular displays should have the general format of Table 1, if possible (For LaTeX code follow the link).
The .ps and .pdf files must include all illustrations and tables as part of the two-page limit.
References and bibliography
For LaTeX code follow the link.