Use the styles exemplified by \cite{HB98}, \cite{CA}, \cite{MSW00} and \cite{Rei91} below. Order bibliography items alphabetically as shown. The two-page limit includes the bibliography. \footnotesize \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{HB98} Huynen, M.~A. and Bork, P. 1998. Measuring genome evolution. {\em Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA} 95:5849--5856. \bibitem{CA} Caprara, A. 1997. Sorting by reversals is difficult. In: {\em Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 97),} New York: ACM. pp. 75-83. \bibitem{MSW00}McLysaght, A., Seoighe, C. and Wolfe, K.~H. 2000. High frequency of inversions during eukaryote gene order evolution. In Sankoff, D. and Nadeau, J.~H., editors, {\em Comparative Genomics}, Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer Academic Press. pp. 47--58. \bibitem{Rei91} Reinelt, G. 1991. {\em The Traveling Salesman - Computational Solutions for TSP Applications.} Berlin: Springer Verlag. \end{thebibliography}