(RECOMB 2001)
April 22-25, 2001
Montréal, Canada
The Fifth Annual Conference on Research
in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2001), sponsored by the Association
for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation
Theory (ACM-SIGACT) with support from Celera Genomics, Compugen, IBM Corporation,
SLOAN Foundation, International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB),
SmithKline Beecham, US Department of Energy, and US National Science Foundation
will be organized by Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université
of Montréal, in Montreal, Canada on April 22-25, 2001. The conference
will be held at the Montréal Wyndham Hotel.
Papers reporting on original research
(both theoretical and experimental) in all areas of computational molecular
biology are sought, including surveys of important recent results/directions.
Typical but not exclusive
topics of interest include:
- Genomics
- Molecular sequence analysis
- Recognition of genes and regulatory elements
- Molecular evolution
- Protein structure
- Gene expression
- Gene networks
- Combinatorial libraries and drug design
- Computational proteomics
- Structural and functional genomics
Authors are encouraged to submit their abstracts ELECTRONICALLY.
The respective email address is
Electronic submission instructions can be found at
Authors who are unable to do so
are requested to send 10 copies (preferably two-sided copies) to:
Abstracts must be received by September
30, 2000, 23:59 local time. This is a firm deadline. Simultaneous submission
to another conference or journal is allowed. Authors are asked to inform
the program chair at the time of submission of the simultaneous submission.
The deadline for
submission to RECOMB 2001 has been extended to Oct 5, 2000 23:59
middle European time.
The extended abstracts for the
conference will be published by ACM Press and will be available at the
conference. If the paper has been accepted to another conference or a
journal before RECOMB 2001, the authors will be allowed only a short abstract
(1 page) in the proceedings of RECOMB 2001 and not an extended abstract.
A selection of the accepted extended
abstracts in their final journal versions will be invited to appear in
a special issue of the Journal of Computational Biology devoted to RECOMB
The conference submissions will
be refereed by the program committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance
or rejection by a letter mailed on or before December 8, 2000. A final
copy of each accepted paper is required by January 5, 2001. An author of
each accepted paper is expected to attend the conference and present the
paper; otherwise alternative arrangements should be made to have the paper
An abstract should start with a
succinct statement of the problem, the results achieved, their significance
and a comparison with previous work. This material should be understandable
to non-specialists. A technical exposition directed to the specialist should
follow. The length, excluding cover page and bibliography, should not exceed
10 pages. The manuscript should be easy to read, using at least 11 point
font size on U.S. standard 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper with no less than one
inch margin all around. If authors believe that more details are absolutely
necessary to substantiate the claims of the paper, they may include a clearly
marked appendix. An email address for the contact author should be included.
Abstracts that deviate significantly from these guidelines risk rejection
without consideration of their merits.
George Church,
Philip Sharp,
Ruedi Aebersold,
Mark Adams,
Roger Brent,
Franz Lang,
Klaus Lindpaintner,
Yvonne Martin,
Mark Ptashne
Deadline for submission of papers: |
Sep 30, 2000
(extended until Oct 5, 23:59 MET) |
Notification of acceptance/rejection: |
Dec 5, 2000 |
Deadline for reception of final
papers: |
Jan 5, 2001 |
Sorin Istrail,
Richard Karp,
Thomas Lengauer,
Pavel Pevzner,
Ron Shamir,
Michael Waterman
Steve Bryant,
Philipp Bucher,
Gordon Crippen,
Antoine Danchin,
Sridhar Hannenhalli,
David Haussler,
Liisa Holm,
Sorin Istrail,
Minoru Kanehisa,
Richard Karp,
Thomas Lengauer (Chair),
Hans-Peter Lenhof,
Michal Linial,
Satoru Miyano,
Pavel Pevzner,
Isidore Rigoutsos,
Ron Shamir,
Donna Slonim,
Terry Speed,
Mike Sternberg,
William Taylor,
Martin Vingron,
Tandy Warnow,
Michael Waterman,
Ralf Zimmer
David Sankoff (Conference Chair),
Nadia El-Mabrouk,
François Major,
Thomas Hagedorn,
Louis Pelletier,
Université de Montréal,
Montréal, Canada,
Michael Hallett, McGill University, Montréal, Canada,
Thomas Lengauer (Program Chair),
Theo Mevissen,
Ralf Zimmer,
GMD - German National Research Center
for Information Technology,
Sankt Augustin, Germany
RECOMB 2001 Website: